Sometimes, you just say things I don't understand. You go left and you go right. Sometimes, I just want you to fall in a trap. Most of the time, we made the traps ourselves. Maybe some day, you'll learn from your mistakes. There's so fucking many of them... I know I shouldn't talk, since I've made so many, myself. Though it's so painful to watch you walk away and then come back and so forth.
Maybe we're both of the same kind: afraid of the cold. Fall's coming, and we are chilly and sore, and we just want to come back in our warm bed. This bed we once shared. That once shattered us... You use to say I was such a kid. And I used to hide away in the sheets. And we were so confused... But we still are, and still have the right to.
But, jeez, get a hold of yourself. Straighten up, sis.
J'pensais à la toune d'automne, et j'me dis que la personne qui a écrit ça était trop sympatique... Faudrait lui brasser la cage, à la fille. Lui dire que la vie est parsemée d'embûches solides et plates, mais que ça forge le caractère.
...j'suis tellement papa. ok j'arrête.
Je n’ai pas connu la mer sous Anticosti
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